The temperature sensor

I have soldered the DS18S20 sensor to a cat5 cable, inserted the sensor in a small plastic bottle and sealed everything with silicone. Ugly, uh?

After doing it I thought I should have filled the bottle with some stuff that is not electricity conductive but conduces heat... Something like vaseline might work... need to Google a bit for this. For now the silicone needs to dry up.

Also decided to use perl instead of php, I am more familiar with it and took me no time to set-up a script to read the serial port and write a html file:

(will paste the code when I can figure how to make the blog ignore the html code embedded)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -I /usr/lib/perl5/5.10/CGI
open( SERIE, "/dev/ttyS0" ) or die "no abre serie";
while ( <SERIE> ) {
if( ($temp) = /(d+.d+)/ ) {
$date = `date '+%d-%h %H:%M'`;
open( OUT, ">/www/lwa/index.html" ) or die "no abre index.html";
print OUT "<html>
<h1>Temperatura del agua</h1>
<p>Temperatura del agua a las $date: $temp C</p>
close OUT;
# sleep 5;
close SERIE;

This is the page:

And just heard about Pachube! This is an amazing site where you can send input from sensors, store the data, get graphs.... Waiting for my key to upload data.


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